Saturday, June 6, 2015

Becoming a tortoise

When I started this blog I figured it would culminate on July 1st 2015, Willie Dixon’s 100th birthday. But I haven’t come close to my goals because I haven’t devoted sufficient time and effort.

I want to have playlists of well-written modern blues songs to circulate to Blues DJs. I want to investigate all of the musicians that people have mentioned when I asked if they knew of good modern blues songwriters. I want to see a blues songwriting competition start up, read discussions about songwriting in the blues magazines and blogs, see a write-up about a young blues musician that focuses on the songs rather than how many Stevie Ray Vaughn licks he or she can rattle off…   

I have come to realize that there aren’t many people who feel the way I do about Blues songwriting. I believe that the Blues needs better-written songs to nourish the roots, to make new fruits. I don’t want the Blues to exist only in museums; a reference resource rather than a vital force that continues to shape music and inspire new music forms.

So… I missed my self-imposed deadline but I still believe this is worth doing. It’s important to me and that’s reason enough to continue. Slow and steady wins the race.